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Charpate Masala Titaura Hygienically Packed, Ingredients • Lapsi • Salt • Sugar • Chilly & Spices. Charpate Masala Titora. Spicy titaura, Spicy Titora. There are many shops in Darjeeling for Tea, Churpi and #titaura The #titora from #lelowonline is sold everywhere in India form corner shop to supermarkets. These days you also find Titora made from mango, tamarind, dates, lemon, gooseberry and lime. For the last few years, we have been lucky to get Titora in entire India and abroad as well. It does not cost much and is worth the price for the treat sometimes. I love the sweet ones a lot. Not a big fan of salty and hot ones. If you ever get a chance, do try it out. You may like it.

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