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#Hamas #Israelunderattack

Hamas bombs two israeli ports targets oil pipeline.

Global risk analyst firm dryad global revealed that the israel-palestine  conflict has crept into the maritime sector and social media posts from various outlets confirmed the same.

Two israeli ports namely Ashdod and Ashkelon had to be closed after rocket attacks on port infrastructure.

As well as other port complexes in the region during occasional skirmishes between countries or in wartime.

Some of the first infrastructures that get attacked are ports and airports as they form the key backbone of the logistics.

As well as the gateway to a country as a whole iran-backed hamas and Palestinian islamic jihad.

With the former controlling gaza has reportedly been firing around 2000 rockets towards israel.

Where since violence broke out in the israeli capital of Jerusalem.

Many of the rockets were fired towards Tel Aviv and were intercepted by israel's domestic air defense system the iron dome.

However some of the rockets slipped past the air defense system which has a proven success rate of over 80 percent and attacked vital israeli port infrastructures in the ashdod and ashkelon area.


Port and energy infrastructure are at this stage assessed to be proxy targets with any damage resulting from the indiscriminate nature of attacks however such targets are known to be part of the wider strategic intent of hamas and the PIJ.

Reported dryad global on the situation locals released footage on various social media platforms which showcased the impact of the missiles on the israeli port of Ashdod.

With widespread damage the footage also shows mona and Ahmet ono the former a maltese and the latter a panama flagged vessel nearly being hit by the rockets.

In a separate incident the military wing of hamastia's ad in al-qasam brigade has declared that they have bombed an israeli gas platform off gaza.

Which has been continuing to burn ever since dryad spoke on the incidents and what it means from a maritime point of view.

It is assessed that there is no stated intent to target wider commercial shipping and that hamas intends to target the

economic interests of israel wherever possible.


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