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Best Delay Spray for Men — Read this before you buy!

The home sexual health market is growing rapidly. Products and services that used to require you to go to a sketchy adult store or wait at the doctor’s office are now readily available Lelow Online from reputable telehealth companies.


Premature ejaculation (PE) is quite common, but even more common is the desire of men to last longer in bed with their sexual partners. Luckily, the science of lasting longer has advanced considerably over the past decade. It is now easier than ever to find a highly effective delay spray and have it delivered discreetly to your home within a couple of days.


There are literally hundreds of delay sprays on the market. Most are OK. Some are questionable, but some are outstanding.


Three brands rose to the top in 2021, and we recommend that you go with one of them.


Super Viga

Super Dooz

Deadly Shark


What is a delay spray, and how does it work?

They’re known by a number of names – PE spray, premature ejaculation spray, PEJ spray, delay spray. We prefer the term “delay spray” since definitions of PE vary and the spray itself has broader usefulness than some definitions would suggest.


How a delay spray works?

Delay sprays, as the name suggests, delay a man’s orgasm, allowing sexual activity to continue longer. The sprays achieve their intended effect by slightly and temporarily numbing the nerves in a man’s penis. You simply follow the instructions to spray a small amount of the product onto your penis and then wait a certain number of minutes prior to sexual activity.


Don’t worry – the penis is highly sensitive, as you no doubt know, and a little numbing won’t ruin anyone’s enjoyment. (In fact, some men report more intense orgasms while using delay spray as directed because the pleasure builds more gradually over a longer period of activity.)


As long as you follow the instructions – using an acceptable amount of the delay spray and waiting the necessary amount of time afterward – then evidence, our testing experience, and ample customer accounts suggest that you can confidently expect sexual activity that lasts longer for you and your partner.


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